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Bowers Harbor Vineyards

Tyler moved to the Traverse area in 2016 as part of a migration of family members and close friends that decided to finally pull the trigger and make the shift from visitors to full time residents of northern Michigan. He started out working in a wine cellar on Leelanau Peninsula and fell in love with the industry and the friendly people working in it. 

Now fully rooted in Traverse City, Tyler enjoys being immersed in the history, geography, arts, and happenings of the area, so feel free to ask about them - also feel free to stop him if he starts to ramble. His favorite thing about the area is that every season brings something new to look forward to. The summers are bursting with activity, the winters are serene and cozy, fall brings in new wine and stunning colors, and spring is okay.

Now assistant managing the wine club at Bowers Harbor, Tyler will be hard at work learning as many new names and faces as he can and trying to make everyone’s day just a little brighter. When not at Bowers Harbor he’s outside as much as possible, so look for him on the ski hills or out hiking the dunes barefoot.